Design Contest

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Tattoo-Me Contest 2005:

Have you ever created you own henna design? Do you have the artistic touch?

If so, you can participate in the Tattoo-Me Contest! Send us a design or picture that you believe would look good using henna and you will be eligible to win a Tattoo-Me Bottle. You can send up to 5 entries per month. Also, your design could be published on our site…

The rules are very simple:

Email us your design (preferrably not applied as a henna tattoo) to the email address below. Our 5 henna artist-judges will be doing a draw every month-end. Winning entries will be based not only on complexity of the design but also its simplicity to duplicate, and according to our henna philosophy. We are looking at taking henna applications to the future by finding new and exciting designs that describe henna today, rather than looking into the past centuries of the same designs, however beautiful they are.

Winners will be notified via e-mail within 2-3 business days after contest monthly draw. Winners must claim their prize within 14 days of e-mail notification. If no claim has been made, the prize goes to the next best design submitted for the same period. A list of winners’ designs will be on display in the Fun Stuff Area. We will have our henna artists make the winning designs using Tattoo-Me henna. We hope this will be fun for you. Good Luck.

SPECIFICATIONS: The image you send us must not exceed 200 x 200 pixels and must be in a .GIF or .JPEG format. Please send your image via e-mail to: Be sure to include your first and last name, your age, and your mailing address (so we can mail you your prize!).
Your information will remain confidential.

(Please do NOT submit designs that are NOT your own creation. Any design claimed by another party as copyrighted will be deleted instantly!)

Please review the complete rules before entering in the contest.